Monday, November 29, 2010

Monday~Holiday~Another day

It's getting pretty boring these days
holiday just start
and I was stuck
with no one to hang out T.T

Except for my laptop and my storybook
I have nothing else to do
But I enjoy reading the storybook thou
And I seldom go online now

Starting to read Proverbs now
Just read until verse 3
Will continue tonight
May God be with me
I realize I need Him more than ever
Haha, it's tough stepping into adult world
I need His guidance
if not I may find myself in lotta trouble

How much do I miss her really?
Hoping to see her pretty soon :-)
It's almost 200th day anniversary you know
I'll pray very very hard
For what?
hehe, S.E.C.R.E.T

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