Thursday, November 11, 2010

Normal Thursday ...... hoooo

Today I was reminded again by how imperfect this world is...
But that doesn't mean this world is not beautiful or wonderful...
It's just imperfect...
You never know what will hit you the next second....
You never know what you may be experiencing the next minute...
You never know what what will happen in the next hour...
If only life can be smooth and clean...
then we can walk it happily...
it certainly won't...
along the way...
we have to face lotta and lotta obstacles...
things will never seems logical for you,
but things just happen...
and you are unable to handle it...
you are depress...
you hold on to yourself...
you try to struggle...
and in the end...
it's either you fall or you win...
against yourself of course...

Things will not happen the way we want it to be...
We had to learn to accept things the way they are...
Facing it with all your might...
but humans often cannot survive...
they can't walk alone...
they need company...
they need God...

I wonder...
After we did something we think is wrong...
we feel regret...
common things...
had to face it anyway...

What I'm trying to say here is that
I've been wondering about it for like months?
If only human can have full control over their mindset...
then there won't be so much trouble...
but well...
temptation... desire... greediness...
what a person think is the major "villian" behind every problem...
if only what we think can be completely control by ourselves...
we can't do it alone...
From what I learn...
let's just let God's word enter your life...
and influence your thinking...
and pray...
from the bottom of your heart...

Tonight sky is still the same...
the floating cloud...
I wish she will be watching the same sky with me now...
at least...
at least...

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