Sunday, December 19, 2010

Sky Gazing

sky gazing is more than just sky gazing
it’s something more
a cure, a way for your heart,
skygazing means opening up,
and decontracting,
dissolving in the infinite.
every changes of the sky
bring in different feeling

each weather have their own personality
but all of them serve the same purposes
that’s to calm down one’s mind
even on rainy day
the rhythm and the tempo of the rain pouring down
when listen in bliss
become a rhyme that soothe your soul
use this infinite panorama of emptiness
as a metaphor for openness and awareness,
release your fixations and preoccupations,
breathe out–and simply let go into it.

an aspect of skygazing is that it arouses a peculiar combination of feelings:
humility and understanding.
It is difficult not to feel a bit humble when staring out into the vastness of space.
Even without knowing about the billions of miles between
Earth and the nearest star, a skygazer can feel the enormity of the heavens.
It is no wonder that so many important religious experiences took place in the desert under the open sky.

early skygazers could not possible imagine the distance between the stars,
and perhaps neither can we,
but neither can we be indifferent to them.
it’s a great way to soothe your feeling and it cause no harm,
just make sure you wouldn’t fall asleep and that’s all
Come skygazing with me :-)
hmmm.... this is probably the main reason I like sky gazing
especially star

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