Monday, October 18, 2010

Love, giving up doesn't mean the end of it

Often in live, out of nothingness, L.O.V.E provide us with a fairy tale,
So sweet and so happy, we wishes that it would last forever,
Like that in a fairy tale, The Happy Ever after ending~~

At some point of our life, you met her
She is the best, the only person you had ever wanted,
Slowly you realize,
your mind are fill only with him/her,
you can never forget her,
you fall in love,
what's more?
when she/he loves you too?
Your very own fairy tale start,
A world so happy and wonderful,
You had every confidence that it'll last forever,
you had really fallen for her,
you're both so in love with each other, you share everything, every secret,
of tears and of joy~~

Then, the unexpected happen,
Everything is not what it seems to be.
She's/He's no longer sweet, and thoughtful and caring.
Out of a sudden, she/he is a stranger that you are so familiar with,
You keep on wandering,
What had you done wrong to deserve this~~
You keep on thinking about the reason~~
Why things just doesn't work the same between you anymore?
You are asking yourself "does she still love me? "
you decided to ask her/him,
but only in return been ignore,
she/he avoided your question and never give you a brief answer,
You are frustrated,
her/his actions are loud and clear,
although nothing seems to come out of her/his mouth,
until you push her too much she exploded like a bomb,
and the fairy tale end,
and is heard no more~~

You try to deny it, somehow maybe,
you're wrong.
Maybe she/he still love you,
you do not want to give up,
you're hoping for a change,
but you know it well yourself,
you cry yourself to sleep every day,
trying to think of a way to save your relationship,
but the truth is there,
you still wake up after sleep,
you will face the truth,
it's ended.

Friends, what i want to tell you is that,
It's the start of your healing process,
the most painful part of all,
you know you had to do it,
but you just can't!!!
You love him/her, you need him/her,
you don't want to give up,
you decided to suffer,
you choose to believe in miracle,
although you know her/his heart is no longer there for you,
you blame yourself for everything, you fell pain,
you suffer greatly,
everything in this world seems hopeless,
every songs you hear brings you tears,
but it's not your fault.
We can;t control anything that may come our way.
they need to happen because God allows them to happen.

If we really and truly love someone,
their happiness should mean more to us than our own. it's call selfless love.
Ask yourself, how much to you love her/him?
Do not love her to a stat where you're willing to allow her/him to go to where she's/he's happy?
Even if that happiness is not with you?
Do you love her enough to allow her/him to be happy without feeling bitter or revengeful?
Can you let her/him go?
Allow her to enjoy her /himfreedom?

Letting go doesn't mean we give up,
it just means we need to give in,
Give in to the truth,
And learn to accept the truth that we we may have lost love,
bur that doesn't mean we can never find it again,
so cheers up,
this world is still so wonderful,
you're responsible for your own happiness,
move on, pray
and believe that, god will guide you along the way

Ganbate, i won't tolerate anymore of your tears,
specially presented to you my friends,
I hope you like my opinion,
although I can do nothing more

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