Monday, November 15, 2010

The 181st Day

Has it been the 181st day?
The black ink shakes itself
On the very book of a living
Of a journey of a man
As it record down
The path of a fairy tale
Of an adventure of a man

Has it been the 181st day?
The voyage started
Leaving behind the once lovely shelter
Embark in a world
Of the unknown
Which will forever?
Leave its story of a man

Has it been the 181st day?
The sweet echoes
Of a fine young girls
In the heart of a man
Who never understand this world
Of its imperfectness
And of its truth

Has it been the 181st day?
Since the very beginning of the tale
Which carries that of joy
And of scars
Which goes like the cloud
Slowly and steadily

Has it been the 181st day?
Travelling into the deepest darkness
Trying to find a way
Into the one place
Which holds the light of joy
That can only be found
In faith and of love

Has it been the 181st day?
The heart holds dear
The little bits of memory
That is carve within
Because it all started
When one eyes met the others
Of the eyes in the heart

Has it been the 181st day?
The little cuboids
Of alphabets and of screen
Open its way
For the pieces of sweetness
That will accompany the man
Forever in his life

Has it been the 181st day?
Hopes are accompany by tears
For the sky is not showing any sign
Of a wish strong enough
To make the cloud move
On its calm rhythm
Soothing and relaxing

Has it been the 181st day?
Of sometime sorrow of sometime joy
Because it’s never consistent
When it comes to the one
Holding the key to one’s happiness
For it will come and go
Never to be ask

Has it been the 181st day?
The endless tempo last
Its rhyme is never the same
For it cause both curve
Upward and downward
And it’s sometime call an exercise
Of the face muscle

Has it been the 181st day?
Feeling so strong and so powerful
Where emotion have to bow down
To the great force
Which influence but uncontrollable
Because the heart knew
To the fact and the truth
One cannot judge it

Has it been the 181st day?
Speaking to the depth
Of one’s inner word
Only the beholder may realize
The fire that never cease
Keeps on burning
Without the will to forfeit

Has it been the 181st day?
The will try to strive
To prove the right from the wrong
Because it is always our choice
Whether giving up
Is an option to be
Or an option to reject

Has it been the 181st day?
The heartbeat shows its excitement
Whenever night sky comes
And the stars
Twinkling on its spot
Reminding the only one
That is as beautiful as the scene

Has it been the 181st day?
The dark night sky accompany one
It’s always the same
Neither rain nor clear sky
Can disturb the gorgeous night sky
That had always show its smile
Upon the one looking on it

Has it been the 181st day?
One had taught so many
Of this mysterious world
Where God’s love embraces it so much
One may never know
If one may never show up
For the world change
The moment it started

Has it been the 181st day?
Of various trial and attempt
Although the light may seems dim
But as long as there’s still light
Hope and dream
Shall forever exist
Until the very end

Has it been the 181st day?
Running along the track that seems never ending
Pursuing what’s seems impossible
But it’s not about we can
Or is it about we cannot
But rather it’s if we are willing
Or it’s if we are not willing

Has it been the 181st day?
One had been struggling
Through what’s known as life
The heart is starting to boil
Whenever snowdrop onto cheeks
Because one does not deserve this
Because one deserve its’ freedom

Has it been the 181st day?
Word so familiar is seldom heard again
As it travel around time
Trying to reach its destination
That one day it may reach
Or one day it’ll never reach
As neither seems to be pleasant

Has it been the 181st day?
The mask is never off
When one show happiness around
One may be sad within
It’s never known
As to when it’ll stop
But believe as you smile big
The world will smile alongside you

Has it been the 181st day?
Holding firm to what one had said
Believe and you shall be
Because “You are the best”
Short and meaningful
Encouraging and strong
Of what one had said

Has it been the 181st day?
Countless advice showers
Like small drops of snow
Life is a pile of obstacles
To which one must face
To finally emerges as a victor
Regardless of the result

Has it been the 181st day?
The beautiful melody sing
Of one strong enough
Melody that dance
Elegantly under the moon
A sound so sweet
It’s almost a lullaby

Has it been the 181st day?
Waiting has always been a joy
That illuminates the world
Of shadowy darkness
Into the light of trust, hopes and loves
For the biggest one among them is loves

Has it been the 181st day?
It has been wondering round my mind
As a source of happiness
And of thankfulness
Although some time bitter
At least one does not give in
To one’s own thought

Has it been the 181st day?
I kept on trusting
Love will always be like that
You will always be there
Kind and lovely
Through the valley of darkness
You'll be waiting
Just at the next stop
Surely there’s the place for me

2010 Copyright Reserved (r)
By Felix Tong Jia Wei

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