Sunday, November 14, 2010

Blogger as a source of advice??

broadband is working properly again  :-3
sort of surprise,
I never know blog can serve as a place for cheers and advice,
you see,
it's been a very very long time since I open my email,
there's about 8000 of them in my inbox @@~~
lazing ain't I?
I thought they were just some facebook notification...
haha, you're certainly wrong Felix

What's in your inbox are e-mail of advice and cheers
I mean, I never know,
cause it's been such a long time since i check my email,
I think it had been bout 3 months....
al rite,
I admit I'm lazy to check on them....

I was touched by one e-mail from Miss Dar3t0Danc3,
whoever she is,
"Dear Felix,
          Wish to inform you that, live isn't always about happy, yes, indeed happiness is very important but
sometime things just won't act on your wish. Cheer up boy, I can see you're slowly growing up in Jesus Christ, that's a good news isn't it? Looking forward to see your progress, and believe me boy, you must work yourself out, no matter how hard you pray, if you never intend to try your best God will not help you. Believe in God, and try your very best in everything, that's when you'll see miracles (am I right? Mr. MiracleMaker).

          From what I see, your thinking is quite mature, that's another good news!!! Honestly speaking, don't forget to retain some childishness ok? Like your blog about taking care of a children, maturity alone cannot help you, it is the "childishness" in you that creates miracle. To help a kid, first, look at the kid's point of view and that's what exactly you've been doing. Bet you're popular around kid's ain't you?

          Ah, I've always been looking forward to things you'll be writing in your "love life" section. But you never update much do you? But what you've wrote had always give some "touching" feeling in me. You're writing poem? I guess you are, although it's still not at a master level, still what you wrote successfully convey your message. Did "she" know how you feel? She must be pretty happy isn't she? I mean look at the message you tried to point out in your blog, she must be very important to you, do you love her very much? Wish the both of you all the best, whoever she is.

          I know life isn't perfect, and you may face lots of trouble along the way, but you must always remember, whenever you're down, turn yourself to God for comfort. his love is what you need, never be lazy when it comes to God and His kingdom. But I think you're one pretty tough cookie aren't you? Let me guess, entering the adult world, the only time you've cry was for your "special her" right? Don't take it seriously, just making assumption. But from what I know, well, guys tend to become very weak in front of the one they "love". Well, at least my boy is like that in front of me... hehe, don't mind those details.

          Keep on blogging ok? Looking forward to it. Show me how you move on with life with Jesus as your savior.

Yours truly,
Miss Dar3t0Danc3 "

haha, thank you,
"love life" har? it's really been such a lont time since I update it, well, I'll consider it
and there's funny one by Mr. PaulandtheBlitz

" 'ey 'ey w'at a ketc'up bro!!!
like t'e way you write,
keep marc'ing on yea'
i will certainly c'eer ya
God Bless you
'ee 'ee "

@@~~ Mr. Paul, why are you substituting "h" with " ' "

Got tons lots more to read sigh~~~
Well, I'm happy though... never imagine blogger have such function.

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