Thursday, November 4, 2010

Be grateful of myself

Be grateful with life!!!
This is the thing I know very well but had a hard time doing so~~
Be grateful is one very very simple key to happiness
Be thankful for everything we have right now
Our family, our friend and everything we have
I do not deny that I have desire
And getting rid of unwanted desire isn't as easy as eating pie
I know
I am not grateful enough with my life
I long for more
I long for something that I do not need
And at the same time
Leaving behind those that I really need

Learn to be grateful
We had heard it for so many times but how many of us really do appreciate things around us?
Greediness, is one of the main factor that we can't be grateful,
We want the things that others have
We are never satisfy with what we have,
we want more and more,
Greediness brings to our own despair,
we can never be happy because we are greedy,
we are not grateful of what we already have
I will not deny the fact that I'm greedy
Because of my own greediness,
I fell into depression often,
because I want more,
I want something that doesn't belong to me,
I was thinking of way to get my hand on the "thing"
most of the time and this is totally wrong

I do not realize that I had been ungrateful,
the desire in my heart started taking over me,
I long for it,
God knows the best for me,
I had to believe in Him and be thankful of things around me,
I need to stop been greedy

I have my family that I love so much,
I have friends that accompany me through any hardship,
I have food to eat everyday
I have water to drinks everyday
I have my eyes that let me see
I have ears that let me hear
I have mouth that let me speak
I have feeling that let me feel
What else do I long for more?

I must learn to be grateful
Jesus love me so much
In Him I never hide any secret,
He is my shoulder when I am sad,
He become my sword and my shield when I'm scare,
I must be grateful for he love me

Do not let what your mind say affected what you want to do,
often we will tell ourself "I'm tired, I can't continue"
The more you think like that,
the more it will become reality,
set your mind fresh all the time,
tell yourself I'm capable of more,
do not let what you think or feel influence you,

Sometime people just won't meet your expectation
But be grateful
Because there's a reason for everything
Do not be angry or sad because of others
because it's a waste of time
be grateful with the time you have,
while you are wasting your time angry and sad of others,
other people around the world are struggling so hard to live their life,
time is precious,
you can't be greedy with time,
time wait for no one,
so be grateful,
and live your life to it's fullest,
don't let others let you down,
you are more than what you are capable of,
You are always the best in yourself,
You are always the best in the eye of God
Remember that!!
Be grateful!!!

I'm still learning!!
Can't let things disturb my mood and my life right?
Pray everyday for His glory,
For what he had given us
So be grateful (^o^)

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