Saturday, November 6, 2010

Facing instead of avoid?

Few days back when I first receive the invitation to attend this talk...
Tonight talk... strike me so hard and so deep...
I had a hard time deciding at first...
whether I should attend it or not...
Should I stick with what I believe?
Or should I attend this talk?
It really create fear in me....
I'm asking myself,
face or run?
But in the end...
I choose to face...
It talk about things I long since avoiding...

I have the opportunity to talk one on one with one of their member-in-charge...
and the talk will be kept as a secret
Well, no harm I think...
it's better I spend my time in church than wasting my time...
the talk was really impressive...
and it talk deep into my heart...
The sharing taught me things I don't know,
and most importantly,
the power of God that is working...
Learn many many things...
Although it was quite painful somewhere in the heart...
but at the end...
what is said... is fact...
and I know...
about love and life....

the next step is...
should I or should I not...
do what I believe I should do?

I'll hand this problem to You,
help me to make the best choice and decision...
thanks You

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