Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Watching the sky~~ Tell me more

Today’s night sky…
Looks even happier than I am…
As always...
I will watch the sky for some time....
I was lay there wondering….
How much life had change….
How many obstacles had I faced…
How much tears had I drop…
How much smile had I show…
How many good deeds had I done…
How many sins had I committed…

Is so different…
I still remember a few weeks back…
I saw kids playing by the street…
So happy, so cute…
It is as though there was nothing they need to worry about…
And I saw an old and blind couple…
They hold each other hand tightly…
Crossing the busy road…
With trust…

Life had changed so much…
From when I was still a kid…
With nothing to worry of…
To a teenager who learns about this world…
In the process of growing up….
I learn to become a human…
From a kid who knows nothing…
I turn into a teenager…
Or should I say adult…
I experience a lot…a lot…

I learn about this world…
I learn about relationship…
I learn about friendship…
I learn about God…
I learn about Jesus Christ…
I learn about love…

How many time had I fall….
How many time had I rise…
How many time had I fail…
How many time had I success…
How many time had I know…
How many time had I not know…
How many time had I trust…
How much time had I been upset…
How many time had I cry :'(
How many time had I smile :-)

Human had things in life that they can never forget…
When we say about forgetting something…
Can we really do things like that?
Especially when things had a great impact on us?
I do not thing so…
At least for me…
I’ve been trying to avoid thinking of some past memory…
Things don’t turn out to be good…

I woke up a horrible nightmare this morning….
Never had I imagine…
Things would replay itself in dreams?
Can’t help it…
Maybe I still can’t bring myself to forgiveness?
Maybe I just can’t forgive myself just yet…
I wonder why it’s so easy for me to forgive others but myself…
Let’s just say…
Sometime things happened because God allows them to happen…
And with that…
We should face it with trust and faith…
But thanks to that incident…
I learned to treat others with sincerity…
With trust and with faith…

God had been guiding me all this while…
He’s watching me all the time…
Shielded me from big obstacles…
From time to time…
I may lose faith in Him…
But He never gives up on me…
He loves me…
Really loves me…
This day…
I’ve finally accepted Jesus as my savior…
As a part of my life…
Sometime I would feel regret ever losing faith in Him…
And tears will appear in my eyes…

That’s what I get from tonight sky watching?
Most probably…
I know there’s more obstacles coming up ahead…
But what to do?
Who ask me to have Jesus, my best friend by my side…
So that I can beat down every obstacles coming against me!!!
The sky is telling me that…
I miss her…
Very very muchies...
But you still have a long way to go Felix…
Let’s keep on marching forward shall we?
Without the thought of giving up...
With trust and joy...
With smile :-)
Good night, night sky…
Thanks for been such a good company to me (^o^)

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