Saturday, November 20, 2010

It's another valuable memory

It's only the blink of an eye
and it's the 365th day
It's a one year anniversary of my beloved grandmother's death
Well, feel kinda moody tonight
It's been a year without her
I still miss her
But I try to keep my tears to a hold
She won't want me to cry won't she
But I'm happy
Because I know she's resting peacefully in God's hand

Really miss her
I still remember most of the moment I have with her
Sometime happy sometime rough
But I will always remember
The way she treat me as a grandson
Her love
She will always compliment me and say
"Boy, you are a "guai"= good grandson" :-)
And she will always compliment me in front of others relatives

you will always be a large pieces of my memory
you bring changes not only to me but to other members of the family as well
It's been such a long time since I stand outside the veranda
Gazing at Sarikei night sky
I know I miss you
Thank you Grandma
I love you
I'm a good grandson so I'm not going to drop tear and make you worry right?
Hopefully I can
Always miss you =)

By your lovely grandson,

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