Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Day Before Holiday Starts =)

It’s Thursday and tomorrow I’ll be heading back to my hometown :-)
Starting to miss my home already
And at the same time
I wonder why I’m reluctant to leave this place for a month ++ thou…
Surely will miss of them during this holiday
Well, I wouldn’t miss friends from Sibu
Cause I’ve already plan to pay them quite a few visit during this holiday

Today is a happy day :-)
The seminar was quite a blast
It was fun and it taught me much
Learning how to control emotion effectively
Building up self-confidence
And effective communication? Haha

What makes me really happy is tonight >.<
We have our last night class for this semester
And we really enjoy today
I mean
We are all teenager right?
Should be open minded
Tonight is a “yellow” night hahaha
Everybody enjoys it thou…
It’s general knowledge al rite
It’s not like I’m very good in this thing…
Well… I don’t deny I know some
This is common knowledge!!!
But I don’t watch those “upper 18” video anyway
Well, let’s just say it’s a promise I need to keep

Won’t be sleeping tonight ba…
Had to rush portfolio =.=
Wish me all the best
And thanks God for a wonderful day full of joy and laughter
All the praise goes to Jehovah, our Father

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