Friday, November 5, 2010

One Day Trip to RamChang!!!!

Today is my class special one day trip to Ram Chang in Serian
It was a great experience!!!
We gather at around 7am in the morning with two of our lecturer,
before we depart,
we fill our stomach with sandwich and boiled egg,
the sandwich was delicious!!! Bravo!!!

Then we depart from our campus at around 7.30am
We took about an hour or more to reach there.
My car was the slowest among all of them.
Well, slower is safer right?
Safety first ^^
At about 9am we reached there!!

We found a place to barbecue and a "pool"nearby
We began by lighting up the fire to barbecue,
took us some time @@~~~
Then some of them went into the pool and play while the other prepare for barbecue
It took us a long time to barbecue the chicken wing,
but it only took us a while for fishball and hotdog
Owh!!! Hotdog? well.... forget bout it haha

Al rite, this pic....
..... the weather is too hot....
making my mind dizzy =.=
face muscle cramp...

The next thing after barbecue?
Of course is the pool!!!!
I change my shoes and went into the pool and enjoy like there's no tomorrow!!!
Everyone is in the water not long after.
and we splash, we pour, we scream, we laugh as much as we can
we were really having lotta fun out there
everyone is so happy!!!
It's really a memorable day

It's 4pm and it's time for us to leave,
We are all exhausted and tired,
my eyes can't even stand open for even in minutes the moment I hit into my monitor's car
Thanks God for letting us have the opportunity to gather together and play,
Thanks God for guiding and protecting us throughout the outing.

We hope we can have this kinda trips again (^o^)

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