Monday, November 29, 2010

Truth? Hehe

Things are more than what we think or what we thought
Truth is never enough
That's what I thought few days back
That particular day
Back at home
I was standing outside my veranda
Gazing at the sky as usual >.<
The mood that day was not so good thou
It was around 3 o'clock in the morning
Although it's pretty dark by that time
But the beam of the full moon keeps on lighting the street
And that's when miracle happened
The star...
The star that twinkles in the sky
They line up
Like the shape of that of a smile :-)
with eyes...
and the shape of the mouth that curve upward
It heals me instantly
Because I know
God is there watching and healing me

I spent sometime thinking
Truth and Lie
Like I say, truth is never enough
We as human
Believe what we can get or hear first
We never thought of something more
perhaps we are too lazy to get ourself into more trouble
The thing is
What we believe and trust may not be the real thing
Sometime we just never know the truth
What happened may not seems to be the way it is
What I'm trying to say is that
Never judge a thing when we are not confirm of what really happened
Sometime people just won't tell
Those are people who just don't want others to worry for them
Don't want others to help them
They rather took all the blame
As long as truth doesn't leak out
Too complicated eh?
Well, truth is never enough
Lying is pretty easy
But when it comes to the truth
Do not mention it
It's harder than you thought

I do not deny this thing
There's still a lot of truth I'm searching for
I know the limitation in searching for truth
But well,
I believe and I trust
As time goes on
Truth will be revealing themselves
One by one
Looks like it's raining tonight
No star no moon
but never mind
it's the same anyway
I can still see her :-)

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