Sunday, December 5, 2010

200 day of love

It’s already the 200th day @@~~
Awesome isn’t it?
It’s like a dream
A long long dream
It’s almost like the thing happened yesterday
We met each other
Out of nowhere
And now
She’s the most precious person ever

How fast can time flow?
Reading through all the sms
Recalling all the phone call we make
Remembering every small details that we’ve been through
It was never easy
Separated by South China Sea
The gap in between is so far
So far….
So far….
Everything seems almost impossible

For once,
I thought
Everything had come to an end
It’s not possible anymore
And she deserve someone better
The struggling is such a fuss
Every day pass as though it’s just a dream I should wake up

But miracle still happen
Most probably it’s because God heed to my prayer
I miss her everyday
Although far away
Her smile had been carve deep into my heart
The sky
Had always been the only place
Where her smile shines brightly

Sometime she really scares me off
Most of the time she makes me worried
None of the time she will get out of my mind
But all of the time her beautiful smile accompany me
Through rough and smile
If you ask me
She’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen
Both inner and outer

She’s more like my little angel
My cute little princess
Who can constantly carved a smile on my face
Although sometime a little sobbing
I’ve change a lot
I do
I noticed it
Both emotionally and spiritually
But not physically >.<
Although not much
The effect is great and it’s positive

Her voice
The voice of a great melody
Sweet and calming
I’ve always like her singing
Although I’m not a good singer myself
But singing with her make me feel her around
That’s the most enjoyable time ever
Every time I sing for her
Every time we sing together
Every time she sang for me

Every night
I thank and praise God
For God had let us meet
She’s a miracle
Truly a miracle
I do not care might happen in the future
But regret is never a word I will spit out

We met for a reason
A reason only God himself know
As long as I have the power to love
I will protect her
Because I love her

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