Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Wednesday?? Holiday??

Days are certainly making it's moves
And time waits for no one
There's too many miracle...
Christmas fever is already in the air
I'll be expecting every year Christmas :-)
Not for the all the present thou...
It's for something else, something much bigger haha

Well, not blogging much
Life had been constantly almost the same throughout the day
The allowance is out!!
And my friends are returning
Surely there's more thing to do

Ayea, there's something I still need an answer on
Still searching for it
As I always say
B.E.L.I.E.V.E :-)

Some shocking news thou,
I will need to gather every prayer power I can get
Hope it's not getting more serious
I believe God is there to hear my prayer

No star tonight...
not gonna watch the sky for long...
it's freezing cold outside...
Will have to think of You Know Who inside the room hehe

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