Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Gloomy Tuesday

Looks like my cheering up system isn't working quite well today haha,
I have no idea why,
maybe just a short period of malfunctioning of the system,
just like a computer software haha,
will recover very soon
but it's totally weird
it's not like I do anything @.@
maybe holiday mood is still on

2nd day of semester 2 ~~
ah well~~ 
carrying out the duty as a vice class monitor is not so difficult for now~~
responsibilities is there~~

we had a pretty interesting pregnancy education during social studies class,
oh boy haha~~ keep it to myself hahaha
had to read up trifles tonight
or I'll be in big trouble tomorrow 

Yesterday night my faith in God began to shake again
God I'm sorry
I'm really sorry for doubting You again
after a constant of few prayers I began to back to my faith
I have so much more to learn
So much more to do

There's no star again tonight~~
must be because of the rain
I look up at the sky
and one of my tears suddenly roll down
are you happy?
are everything fine there?
everything seems to pop up in my mind non-stop
I can feel the heavy feeling of missing you~~
missing you~~

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