Monday, January 3, 2011

1st day of Sem 2

Life can be a little better than usual huh?
Erh~~ Well,
welcome back to PPISMP Sem 2 Felix :-)

Starting this new Semester 2 as a vice class monitor is really putting some stress on me
Well, at least I take this duty earlier so that I won't have a to be a monitor during degree year
Social studies today I've been exposed to social issues such as child abortion
And yes it's not right to abort a child just because you do not want to take responsibilities
but we can't judge another person
we never know what or why someone do something
it's not in our power to do so
what we're able to do is just simply behave ourselves
know what we're doing
and guide the next generation as a teacher

have my bed located beside the window is pretty good eh?
still can continue to watch the sky during night time
still can see her :-)
life here won't be good enough without her
although we're very far apart,
but the happiness that can be achieve by missing her is there to accompany me
every single day

thanks God for been with me all this time
it's hard to leave home
holiday mood is still on
but life must go on
everyone is struggling with life
I'm grateful enough for been able to enter IPG
to take a step closer to achieve my dream

I'll pray everyday,
and pray that God will guide me in my study
I love Jesus Christ
he's the 1st to accompany me everytime
He had let me have my 1st experience as His friend

Mmm.... LDS
headache :-D
have to work even harder from now

No star tonight,
ah well,
the sky is still pretty calming
miss her :-)

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