Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Oopsie Turvy :-)

Under the hot scorching sun,
I sat on my bed,
I feel it again,
I really feel it again~~
It's almost at this time everyday~~
I'll smile without any reason :-D
Perhaps there's a reason,
Just kept it for myself for now :-)

Holiday almost end
1 month had pass in a blink of an eye
It's fast
totally fast
This year end of year holiday is another great journey for me
I'm accompany by laughter, tears and joy
Although it's not the most enjoyable holiday
But I'm satisfy
Because some of my wishes were granted this Christmas
Knowing this I'm happy
As long as the main wishes is granted all other side wishes can be excuse :-)

When I look into the sky now,
it's not so hot anymore
at least the bird are still flying around
Life is never what you wanted it to be
but knowing LIFE is what it wanted you to be
it's just like the weather
It change all the time
Things may not be what you wish for
But you can make what is given to you better
Disappointment is not an exception to everyone
But I'll be stronger and cleverer after that
Knowing the should and shouldn't in the future
Plan everything earlier :-)

the lovely smell is in the air
the smell of all that is wonderful
I remember the scent of every memory
floating around my head this moment
you still remember?

I'm on the top of the world looking;
Down on creation and the only explanation I can find,
Is the love that I found;
Ever since you've been around,
Your love put me at the top of the world :-)

Yeah, that's right,
it's the love that I found, ever since you've been around my life
that puts me at the top of the world
How do I miss you hahahaha

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