Saturday, October 23, 2010

Saturday ~~ Ouchies =.=

It's Saturday...
But today morning I felt nothing,
nothing at all,
today morning activity was simple,
sleep...sleep...and sleep...
I can now differentiate between physical exhaustion and mental exhaustion,
Most of the time I only deal with physical exhaustion,
It will only take a few hours of sleep to replenish physical tiredness,
for mental tiredness however, it's different,
I will feel sleepy for a long time,
because of all the so call mental "torturing" that is been through,
mental tiredness takes far longer time to recover,
than physical tiredness but is less than emotional tiredness,
well...err... I'll not be talking bout emotional tiredness thou...
Somehow my emotional tiredness contribute a little,
to my tiredness today,
I done nothing,
still can feel sleepy,
I do not deny even now I still feel tired...

Overall last night was fun,
it's a big gathering and whoopsss...
what's most important is the time with friend, classmate
really enjoy it~~
everyone is in their own special outfit,
own special charisma,
own special brightness haha,
especially for the girls,
my gosh I mean,
haha, they all look so different,
all of the girls have their make up on,
unlike we boys, who are a lazy bunch ^.^
who do not know how to make up,
nah, we know how to make up, just we think it's not necessary....

Today at meeting,
what a special arrangement,
it's God's will,
I meet with the little kid I accompany the other day,
he still remember me ^.^
I was like on the top of the world,
the rest of the afternoon was just spending my time,
with a bunch of primary school kid,
who enjoy watching cartoon,
" The story of Moses " in my laptop,
I just hope they will come to know God more,
and will grow up in the love of Jesus Christ,
unlike me...
I will pray, so that God will bless the group of cute little next generation,
who will uphold the name of Jesus Christ in the future

I went to Tabuan Jaya just now,
to my surprise,
the item there were so cheap!!!!
I buy a bunch of crackers, chocolates, noodles and drinks
a pack of crackers is like only RM 1.00 @@ ~~
which would last me few weeks haha,
also bought some movies,
oyeah!!! finally get myself my wanted movie,
"Ultraman Movie" !!!
Ho wow!! Great movie I must say,
and a few other movie...
Titanic 2? haha, I seldom watch this kinda movie,
well, something urge me to watch =.=

I become an acrobat today,
and a fail acrobat ahahahaha,
while I was trying to overrun my friend in a race to where the van will fetch us,
(childish game play by 18 years old teenagers, don't mind it),
I was close to "BANG" into an old lady,
with my sudden acrobatic skill (I never learn acrobatic),
I do a flip, turning around on one feet,
another feet a little higher,
then the floor are just like ice,
I move a little bit backward,
like ice skating
My back smash hard on a steel grill behind,
It hurt so much >.<!!!!!
Luckily i didn't "BANG" into that old lady,
Thanks God a steel grill is behind,
if there's nothing I may had fall into a drain, coming back all smelly,
But still it hurt T.T~~
It's recovering right now,
will be recover by tomorrow...

Ahhh!!! Tonight was a blast,
I was so happy,
I bought a mushroom chicken pao and some siew mee to eat,
so delicious >.< my goodness,
it's been such a long time since I eat pao and siew mee,
the taste is awesome, thumbs up!!! YEA!!!
well, that concludes my journey for today,
will be continuing my "Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallow" later,
or maybe watch the movie I bought,
see first, I'll decide later,
Ahh, my today journey will not come to an end yet,
Something important need to be done first,
Something precious hoohoohoo,
My prayer and my call ~~

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