Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Every Small Things in Life makes me laugh :-D

We often give in to our negative emotion
And this is bad
I mean bad
We let ourselves to be strangle with negative emotion
which will only in the end bring us no benefit
sometime even causes harm
It's time we snap out of it
Dump away all the negative emotion
Throw away all your negative thought
And let ourselves be blessed upon this land which God had given us
Giving in to your emotion or your feeling is your own fault
Snap out of it
Why would you live a life that's so dull
When you have an option to live it happily everyday?

Every small things in life
Can bring us simple pleasure and joy
This simple pleasure and joy
Is exactly what we need for our life
That's what I learn today
Take sometime
Relax, sit back
and try to recall back the small thing that happened in your life
I still remember
Once I was chase down the street by a stray dog
Oh man!!!
It was so scary
But the excitement that follows bring me joy
When the dog is no longer chasing me
I felt the short taste of victory

And there was once when I was daydreaming
I was walking while carrying some books for the teacher
And I was thinking of some cartoon show
Without realizing it
I ram myself into a wall
I can still laugh at myself when I recall the scenario
Ooh ooh
And there was this very stupid incident
When I was in primary school
I've forgot how old am I that time
It was stupid and disgusting
Just for the sake of protecting my image >.<
I was holding myself from going to the toilet and shit
and when I reach there, finish my business
it's then when I realize there's no any toilet paper around
I just have to pull up my underwear
and walk out without cleaning it @.@
Sorry, I didn't know how to clean using water that time

I can also feel the simple pleasure of joy
just by simply missing someone
her good and her bad
It's that easy
It's simple
Just think of her and tadahhhh!!!
It's an enjoyment
almost everyday
it would be the best
when I heard that lecturer are not coming in to class
or they'll be coming in late
And been strike when I get doze off in class?
it's not very pleasant
yet there's pleasure in it

Even finishing a verse in the Bible brings me pleasure
At least I read isn't it?
Finishing a prayer too,
because most of the time I would get lazy
but when I bring myself to finish the prayer
the joy is there :-)

Change starts from today
Bring your negative thinking out of your mind
Let this world be a better place for yourself
There's no such thing as you can or cannot do
The only option is if you're willing or not willing to do
Flood yourself with this thought
Every small things can make a difference
No matter how stressful we may be
Just make sure you snap out of it
Smile, because God is smiling by your side
Bring a difference for yourself
Cherish your life more
Live with a smile :-)

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